Child Sponsorship Program

God has a Big Impact on my Life

by Bryan Pan

I am Bryan Pan, a 19-year-old Grade 9 student from Malasa Good Shepherd Bible Baptist Mission.

How and why did you join the Child Sponsorship Program?

I have joined this program through the grace of God. He used my pastor as an instrument, and he introduced me to Kapatid Ministry. Furthermore, I really want to finish my studies to help my family and, eventually, our church in God's time.

How did the Child Sponsorship Program help you in studies and spiritually?

It was a big help academically and spiritually. Through the child sponsorship program, they provided for my needs at school. In addition, when it comes to my spiritual life, they also taught me how to be closer to God.

How did God impact your life, family, and church through the sponsorship program?

God has a big impact on my life, family, and church. All of this comes from Him, and without Him, we can't do anything. Moreover, the center of everything is God.

God has a big impact on my life, family, and church. All of this comes from Him, and without Him, we can't do anything.

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