Child Sponsorship

His Grace is Sufficient

by Jeffrey Alviar

I am Jeffrey Alviar, a 14-year-old Grade 9 student from Malasa Good Shepherd Bible Baptist Mission.

How and why did you join the Child Sponsorship Program?

I have joined the Child Sponsorship Program with the help of my pastor because God used him to see those who need help. Moreover, I want to finish my studies to become more useful someday and help my family and our church.

How is God presently working in your life, particularly in your studies and spiritual life?

God is working in my life, particularly in my studies and spiritual life. He never failed to provide for my needs in school. Until now, His grace has been sufficient. Furthermore, my spiritual life is still active by His grace, through hearing the Word of God.

How has the Child Sponsorship Program been helpful to you?

It is helpful for me because there are a lot of things that this program has helped me with, not only my studies but also the basic needs of my family. It also helped me be closer to God.

It is helpful for me because there are a lot of things that this program has helped me with, not only my studies but also the basic needs of my family. It also helped me be closer to God.

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