Child Sponsorship

19 Years of Child Sponsorship and Beyond

by Grace Padua


My name is Grace Padua, coordinator of the Child Sponsorship Program at Llano Christian Baptist Church. On behalf of LCBC, I would like to take this opportunity to greet KAPATID Ministry on its 20th anniversary. I am so grateful for the privilege of witnessing how God has been faithful to KAPATID Ministry in its great vision and mission. Our church is so blessed to be one of the many partners of KAPATID Ministry. I would like to describe its ministry as a BLESSING / GODSENT to the child, church, and community.

Let me recap why KMI has been a BLESSING to LCBC.

Beginning of the ministry - The Child Sponsorship Program at Llano Christian Baptist Church began in 2004, with 133 children as beneficiaries being sponsored by KAPATID Ministry and the church. Children under the program were ministered holistically through various ministries, such as the Child Care Center, Feeding Ministry, Child Development Program, and Guardian/Parents Development Program. (Attach pictures)

Leaders’ involvement - The existence and purpose of the CSP and various ministry programs impacted the leaders, and many were involved in this great endeavor. (Attach pictures)

Extension of the ministry - The CSP and various ministry programs were extended to the church planting ministries of the church. These ministries played a great part in the establishment of various outreaches: Christ In You Bagumbong, Christ In You Bagong Silang, Christ in You Holy Spirit, Christ In You Novaliches, and Christ In You Pulilan. (Attach picture)

Serves as a model for the church planting ministry - The success of the program inspired other churches to adopt it. Whenever we see a church planted, especially in marginalized areas, CSP and feeding ministry to children are some of the many programs.

Souls were added to the church - The sponsored child and their loved ones came to know the Lord and are now members of LCBC and CIY churches. We were able to share the gospel with their friends, relatives, and communities. (Attach pictures)

International friends/partners fellowship - Another benefit of the program was meeting generous and godly partners internationally. The children and their loved ones had the opportunity to meet some of their sponsors personally. Some of them met the mission team, and it was a wonderful experience to be prayed for and ministered to by them. (Attach pictures)


New/transformed life. - It is an honor to witness lives that have been changed and transformed through this program. Many of our sponsored children started as preschoolers and have now become professionals. (Attach Pictures) I am also a living testimony of a transformed life. I was working in a private school when the CSP and Child Care Center started. God called me to leave my job and work full-time in His ministry. I walked by faith and entrusted my life and future to the Lord. My decision made my life meaningful! I am grateful to the following who inspired me to serve God fully: KAPATID Ministry for their dedication and commitment to serving its purpose, Sister Doreen Chan’s unwavering passion for mission work, and Llano Christian Baptist Church for giving me the opportunity to minister to the children and the church.

God’s glory - I believe that God was glorified in the ministry of KMI. I would like to compliment the board members, KMI staff, and their generous partners/donors for doing a great job!

Again, thank you for the B.L.E.S.S.I.N.G!

To God be the glory!

 I am so grateful for the privilege of witnessing how God has been faithful to KAPATID Ministry in its great vision and mission.

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