Child Sponsorship

Newly Sponsored

by Mary Joy Docto

Good day. I am Mary Joy Docto, a grade 9 student and I am 15 years old. I go to Christian Baptist Church in Ferry Magsaysay, Naguilian Isabela. When our pastor and his wife first told us about the Child Sponsorship Program, I decided to join because I know it will help me with my everyday allowance.

Currently, God is at work in my life by keeping my family and me safe in our daily activities and by guiding me in everything. He makes me feel that I am not alone, and He also gives me strength and guidance to overcome my problems in life, both spiritually and emotionally. He helps me because He gives me knowledge and wisdom. The Child Sponsorship Program has been beneficial to me because it lessens my mother’s expenses.

Currently, God is at work in my life by keeping my family and me safe in our daily activities and by guiding me in everything.

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