Livelihood Program

Mushroom as Livelihood

by Pastor Juan Palsimon

I am Juan C. Palsimon, the pastor of Christian Baptist Church in Naguilian, Isabela. We are sometimes confronted with shortages in the ministry, particularly with our financial resources. We encounter this problem in the family as well, since we are connected to the church and the ministry. But God has promised that He will provide for our needs and this is what we are holding on to until now. We believe that God has a solution to every problem. Then eventually, God sent people to sustain our needs. In our case, it is the Kapatid Ministry under the leadership of Bro. Titus and his family. Indeed, God kept His promise that He will not leave us nor forsake us.

Our current source of income comes from a small mushroom farm that we operate through KMI. After completing our contract with the feeding of Children’s Ministry within six months, Ma'am Beth and Pastor JR spoke with us about what we will choose to receive —support for children but with less than before or put a livelihood. For this matter, I have chosen and decided to avail the livelihood program. After the meeting with them, they prepared to send the seed money for us to start the livelihood. Upon sending the seed money for our livelihood, we purchased the necessities for the new project.

The livelihood program of KMI for churches was truly beneficial for us even to our family, church, neighborhood, and to our friends. Through this, we receive food, financial support, and encouragement from our friend pastors. We also use this as an alternate option for our meals. If we sell our harvest, the proceeds will go toward covering our other church operational expenses.

Additionally, it supports our students in the church and other church workers with their school allowances. This will be less burdensome to their parents as we are helping them with their children’s allowances. We experience financial struggles when the church is not able to give back because of the seasonal nature of work here.

As I conclude, I would like to thank KMI for its heart and to share its blessings.

God will bless you more.

Through this, we receive food, financial support, and encouragement from our friend pastors. We also use this as an alternate option for our meals. If we sell our harvest, the proceeds will go toward covering our other church operational expenses.

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