Church Planting

Church Planting for Christ

by Pastor Romeo Longos

I am Pastor Romeo G. Longos, senior pastor of Christ in You Forever Christian Baptist Church, Pulilan, Bulacan.  First and foremost, I would love to quote the biblical message in the book of Luke 1:37 to enlighten our hearts and minds.  It says, “NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO WHEN GOD IS WITH US.”  As a Pastor of C.I.Y Pulilan and our outreaches in Sitio Anginon, Sitio Santol, and Ipo Dam gate, I would like to thank the Lord and acknowledge K.M.I as a partner in the ministry. Indeed, it is a great blessing for us that they provide the grace of God through the following programs:

  1. Feeding
  2. Child Sponsorship
  3. Gift Giving
  4. Free Medical and Dental Services
  5. Bless a Senior Citizen
  6. Livelihood Training
  7. Spiritual and Values Formation

In line with this, when I started as a pioneer in church planting, some of the challenges that I experienced were a lack of a mission team, financial support, and not having a contact person as a man or woman of peace in the mission field. The feeding program and other ministries of K.M.I. under the leadership of Ptr. Titus Laxa, Sis. Beth Laxa, and Ptr. Titus Laxa Jr. had a great impact on us and the community in carrying out Christ’s ministry. Its ministry serves as a bridging event to evangelize people and establish churches.  Moreover, the Bless a Senior Citizen program was an answered prayer, allowing us to connect to the community and their families.

Its ministry serves as a bridging event to evangelize people and establish churches.  Moreover, the Bless a Senior Citizen program was an answered prayer, allowing us to connect to the community and their families.

I praise the Lord that, at present, we have 30 seniors and their families who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. As of now, visitation and Bible studies are still ongoing in our community. Our prayers and concerns are for their spiritual growth, increased faith, and, most importantly their spiritual and values formation.

I thank the Lord for your ministry and the leadership of the Laxa family, board members, and staff. May the Lord bless you financially and abundantly! I also thank the Lord for my sending church, LCBC, and its mission team under the leadership of Rev. Ronald Tan, Sis. Grace Padua, and C.I.Y. Mission Team Pulilan.

To God be all the glory!

Respectfully yours,

Romeo Longos

Senior Pastor, C.I.Y Pulilan

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